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I was several chapters into writing a dystopian sci-fi novel, not including a mountain of notes and working from a nearly complete plot outline, before I did a little market research and decided to start over, rewriting the whole thing as a space opera. You can read about that decision here.

It was titled Gorgeous Savages. Imagine a Brave New World future but with a larger, more sophisticated set of parallel societies functioning outside of the smart cities, beyond the reach of technocratic control. And there’s only one thing in this future world that the people within the technocratic control grid have in common with the free people living on the outside: a love of professional wresting.

I bought the URL,, and I was even working on a mock-up for the cover design using an image I appropriated from the WWE’s Horror Show 2020. The image, below, was intended only to help the artist understand what I wanted in the way of motif and color scheme. There’s no copyright infringement here.

For anyone interested, here’s a link to a PDF containing chapters 1 and 2: Gorgeous_Savages.pdf. Warning: it’s completely unedited and probably littered with grammar and spelling mistakes, but that’s what professional editors are for. 



I’m Charley Paxos and this is my author blog.

I write high-concept space operas and dystopian sci-fi novels. My writing provides cheap trills, but will also inspire a belief in the creative power and intrinsic worth of the individual. I write about freedom, slavery, individualism, psychological manipulation, and psychological self-defense… also space travel, space warfare, alien technologies, professional wrestling, collectivism, eugenics, moral degeneracy, societal collapse, and more…

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